Maddow: The First Order of Business Is to Stop Them from Taking Any Uncontested Ground Right from the Outset
MADDOW: “We are the only 248-year-old multiracial, pluralistic democracy in the world. And shall we keep it? A lot of our fellow Americans say we shouldn’t. Now we know. Now we know for sure. But a lot of Americans, tens of millions of Americans say we should keep that system. Which means, time to fight for it. And yes, Americans did fight for it by working on this election, by trying to get the candidate elected who was both the Democrat and the small 'd' democrat. She didn’t win. The strongman candidate won instead. But now history doesn’t end. Time doesn’t stop. Now we have the benefit of knowing, you know, how this has gone in every other country that has been through a democracy-to-authoritarian transition. And sadly, there are a lot of them. We have the benefit of seeing what’s happened in those other countries, though. And what we know is that the more ground the authoritarian takes, the harder it is to ever get that ground back. And so the first order of business is to stop them from taking any uncontested ground right from the outset when it comes to what our system of government is and what our democracy is.“
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