Trump: ObamaCare Is on Its Last Legs
TRUMP: "...reform plan. At the same time, we are finally cracking down on decades of abusive foreign trade practice. We were abused by companies. We were abused by the companies within countries. But in particular, we were abused by countries themselves. Including allies. Abused like no nation has ever been abused on trade before. Because we had nobody watching. They stole our jobs and they plundered our wealth. But that ended. Yesterday, I was at Granite City steel in Illinois. It was an incredible sight. We had an audience of steel workers. Some of the roughest, toughest people you have ever seen. Half of them had tears coming down their face. I don’t know if these people ever cried before in their life, to be honest. Half of them had tears coming down because we opened a tremendous United States Steel plant. They are opening up seven other plants. The steel industry is back. They are open for business. We need the steel industry. The tariffs did it. Nobody mentions the fact that these plants are creating tremendous numbers of jobs, tremendous. Billions of dollars are pouring into the United States coffers. Billions of dollars. We’re getting jobs. We’re getting money coming in. We’re respected. Eventually, the steel prices will really start to go down. Because all of these new plants are going to be competing against each other. We won’t have foreign countries dumping — that’s the word they use, dumping — steel all over the place and destroying our factories, destroying our plants, destroying our companies and destroying our jobs. Since I was elected, we have added 400,000 new manufacturing jobs. Remember, that was the obsolete deal. Obsolete. I used to say, why is it obsolete? We have to make things. Manufacturing jobs are among our best jobs. And we’re just getting started."
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