Trump: ObamaCare Was Gone, But We Had One Man that Decided Late in the Evening that He Would Change His Vote
‘You look at the cost of ObamaCare, it is horrible’
TRUMP: "We got rid of the individual mandate, the most unpopular thing that ObamaCare, and ObamaCare is on its way out. You look at the cost of ObamaCare, it's horrible. (Applause) In fact, it was done, except we had one man that decided you know, late in the evening that he would change his vote. He changed his vote and he surprised all of us, but it was dead, but it's virtually, it's on its last legs right now."
Video files (2)

08/23/2022: Katie Pavlich: It’s Great How Greg Abbott Has Put Sunlight on Border Crisis By Bussing Illegals to D.C. and New York (clip)
Views: 2
Purchases: 0

08/23/2022: Katie Pavlich: It’s Great How Greg Abbott Has Put Sunlight on Border Crisis By Bussing Illegals to D.C. and New York
Views: 23
Purchases: 3

08/23/2022: Katie Pavlich: It’s Great How Greg Abbott Has Put Sunlight on Border Crisis By Bussing Illegals to D.C. and New York (clip)
Views: 2
Purchases: 0

08/23/2022: Katie Pavlich: It’s Great How Greg Abbott Has Put Sunlight on Border Crisis By Bussing Illegals to D.C. and New York
Views: 23
Purchases: 3
Audio files