Sen. Corker: I Would Advise Trump to Come to Congress with Military Plan on Syria
TAPPER: “So it is very clear that the President is considering some sort of response, some sort of retaliation, attack, whatever you want to call it against Assad and his forces after the chemical weapons attack. He says something should happen. What would you advise him to do?”
CORKER: “Well, I think, first of all, he has military leaders developing that. I would advise him certainly to come to Congress with that. I think that, you know, that's obviously what we did back in 2013. Unfortunately, President Obama didn't pursue that route and this is what's led to where we are today, but I would say, ‘Look, listen to your advisers.’ I think something is appropriate now. I absolutely — I did then, back in 2013. Obviously it would be good to get the international community with us, or many members, other allies with us in this. It needs to be proportional. Obviously the American people are not interested in some ground war or something that's long-term, but I think an appropriate response is necessary, and I think one of those, by the way, is Russia who, you know, wants to be on the world stage,. They should show they're worthy of being on the world stage by withdrawing all support for Assad. So that's a whole other step that needs to be taken, and I would hope the President and other civilized countries would be encouraging Putin to do the same.”
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