MSNBC: Bob Dole Arranged Trump’s Call with Taiwan’s President
‘NBC News confirms that Bob Dole arranged the call with the Taiwanese president’
BRZEZINSKI: "There are new developments this morning on Donald Trump’s call with Taiwan that broke nearly four decades of diplomatic precedent in America's relationship with China. NBC News confirms that former Republican Senate leader Bob Dole arranged the call with the Taiwanese president. 'The Wall Street Journal' was first to report Dole's role. The paper says the controversial call went beyond pleasantries and included a discussion about China and stability in the region, according to a person familiar with the conversation."
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08/23/2022: Katie Pavlich: It’s Great How Greg Abbott Has Put Sunlight on Border Crisis By Bussing Illegals to D.C. and New York
Views: 23
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08/23/2022: Katie Pavlich: It’s Great How Greg Abbott Has Put Sunlight on Border Crisis By Bussing Illegals to D.C. and New York (clip)
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08/23/2022: Katie Pavlich: It’s Great How Greg Abbott Has Put Sunlight on Border Crisis By Bussing Illegals to D.C. and New York
Views: 23
Purchases: 3
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