Daily Caller’s Collins: Soros Sees Migrant Crisis as Way to Further Immigration, Open Borders
‘He has donated millions of dollars to [Clinton] campaign so far this election season’
COLLINS: "George Soros is this foreign born left-wing guy who essentially wants to change the nature of our country. And in this data dump one of the memos was about the refugee crisis, and I made three points: They think they've been successful at implementing immigration policy across the world, they think that the refugee crisis is an opportunity to continue doing so, and I think the refugee crisis is the new normal. And George Soros is this guy who is a staunch advocate for open borders. He wants people to be able to go wherever they want, whenever they want for whatever reason. And for him, he sees this immigration policy, this crisis, as a vehicle to further his immigration agenda and his open borders policy."
Video files (2)

08/17/2016: Daily Caller’s Kaitlan Collins: Soros Sees Migrant Crisis as Way to Further Immigration and Open Border Agenda (clip)
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08/17/2016: Daily Caller’s Kaitlan Collins: Soros Sees Migrant Crisis as Way to Further Immigration and Open Border Agenda
Views: 731
Purchases: 7
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