‘There’s Been a Flip in the Gun Positions’: Carlson on Republicans’ Stance After Hunter Biden’s Indictment
‘I propose Hunter’s law’
CARLSON: "Ever since Hunter Biden’s been indicted on gun charges, there’s been a flip in the gun positions. So that the people who are against universal backchecks, open carry at churches, at bars, everywhere, in line, at a concert for a Rachel performance, now, they just want to have that gun law really, really enforced now, and admit to no hypocrisy for it. I propose Hunter’s law, and Hunter’s law would be universal strict background checks so that people like Hunter would never get guns and neither would a lot of the people packing heat in Texas."
Video files (3)

10/31/2021: NYT’s Leonhardt: There Shouldn’t Be a Problem If the Punishment for Being Unvaxxed Is Not Having a Job (clip) (clip)
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10/31/2021: NYT’s Leonhardt: There Shouldn’t Be a Problem If the Punishment for Being Unvaxxed Is Not Having a Job (clip)
Views: 5
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10/31/2021: NYT’s Leonhardt: There Shouldn’t Be a Problem If the Punishment for Being Unvaxxed Is Not Having a Job
Views: 83
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10/31/2021: NYT’s Leonhardt: There Shouldn’t Be a Problem If the Punishment for Being Unvaxxed Is Not Having a Job (clip) (clip)
Views: 1
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10/31/2021: NYT’s Leonhardt: There Shouldn’t Be a Problem If the Punishment for Being Unvaxxed Is Not Having a Job (clip)
Views: 5
Purchases: 2

10/31/2021: NYT’s Leonhardt: There Shouldn’t Be a Problem If the Punishment for Being Unvaxxed Is Not Having a Job
Views: 83
Purchases: 1
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