Joe Scarborough on Trump: ‘Is This What Germany Looked Like in 1933?’
SCARBOROUGH: “On the New Hampshire PPP poll, 49 percent, almost 50 percent of Trump supporters support shutting down mosques in America. Shutting them down. Is this what Germany looked like in 1933? And I’m serious.”
BRZEZINSKI: “People have to ask themselves that question.”
SCARBOROUGH: “Is this what Germany looked like when 50 percent of a candidate’s supporters support shutting down houses of worship for an entire religion? There’s such a responsibility from conservatives, from Republicans to get out there and explain why this is wrong.”
BRZEZINSKI: “Joining us now —"
SCARBOROUGH: “Because so many of these people are not going to listen to what Barack Obama says, but maybe they’ll listen to what Ted Cruz says. Maybe they’ll listen to what Mike Huckabee said yesterday on this show. We need a lot of Republican speaking out.”
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