Calif. Law Professor Compares Overturning Roe to Slavery: ‘Forced Birth Is Involuntary Servitude’
GOODWIN: "That is absolutely right. Some would say that perhaps what they could see in the 13th amendment is that it opposed rape, but that wasn’t it, explicitly in the texts, it abolish slavery, and involuntary servitude. That means mandated pregnancies that black woman did not want. It wasn’t just the rage themselves, but it was also understood that black woman’s reproduction was maximizing for people who did not care for their lives and who, in fact, fought to keep them designated as property. The biggest states – debates that took place in the 13th and 14th amendment is – in these very same states with these abortion laws. It keeps black women designated as property. That’s exactly what they wanted, that’s the only status that they wanted for black women. As, such the property was that their wombs would be property. Black women were essentially seen as no higher in status than a pig, or a sheep, or a cow in the field. This is why it was being written about."