Keith Ellison: National Borders Create ‘Injustice’
ELLISON: "And labor, which is a regular person, cannot travel back and forth across the border. And so corporations certain people who get certain rights, can go back and forth across the border seeking out the lowest wages, but people, regular people cannot go back and forth across the border seeking out the highest wages. So what it creates is an imbalance, it creates an injustice and -- and it creates the need for something like a global Marshall Plan. Yes, we need to have fair trade rules, yes we need to make sure we raise labor standards everywhere not reduce them, we need to raise environmental standards everywhere, not reduce them, but we also need to rebuild the part of the world that so many of us rely on to get everything from cheap flowers, to cheap strawberries, to cheat this, to cheap that, we need to understand our interconnectedness globally."