Lindsey Graham: If You Have a Problem with Jerusalem as Israeli Capital, ‘Take It up with God’
Lindsey Graham: If You Have A Problem With Jerusalem As Israeli Capital, ‘Take It Up With God’ (Mediaite)
Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) took on opponents of the U.S. moving its embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, saying “if you have a problem with Jerusalem being the capital of Israel, take it up with God.”
Graham was one of several senators who attended the opening ceremony Monday morning. Fox News host Harris Faulker asked the South Carolina Republican if he ever thought he would see the day that the U.S. would move its embassy to Jerusalem — a move that several presidents before President Donald Trump had promised, but never carried through.
“I voted for this in 1995 when I was a freshman member of Congress,” Graham said. “There is no nation on Earth that provides us with better intelligence about radical Islam than Israel. There is nobody that tells us more about Iran than Israel.”
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