ABC’s Jon Karl: Maybe Trump’s Being ‘Reckless’ and ‘Naive’ on North Korea
KARL: "Now Donald Trump has turned the usual diplomatic practice upside down, he has violated the big rules of American diplomacy, you don’t meet with a mortal enemy like Kim Jong-un, and if you do, you get something in return first. You don’t send the president of the United States, you send lower level embraceries (ph) first, you don’t take big risks, you don’t taunt a man with nuclear weapons, you don’t call him little rocket man. Maybe this president is being naive, maybe he’s being reckless, as one of those highly experienced experts in the previous administration put it, we could end up in a much worse place than we are today. But the truth is we are already in an awful place today, following two decades of failed North Korean diplomacy, we are at a point where the choices seem to be acceptance that North Korea has the wherewithal to nuke an American city or war, or a big risky unpredictable diplomatic gambit. Does Donald Trump deserve credit? It’s way too early to tell but maybe, just maybe, the experts are wrong again. That’s all from us today, thanks for sharing part of your Sunday with us."