Oprah: ‘I Am Not Running for Office’
OPRAH WINFREY, TALK SHOW HOST: We live on a planet where there is darkness and light.
You know, one of the things I am not running for office so I'm not letting you go there, but if I were running for office and I would say to whoever is going to run for office, do not give your energy to the other side.
Do not spend all your time talking about your opponents. Do not give your energy to that which you really don't believe in. Do not spend an ounce of your time on that.
VAN JONES, CNN HOST, THE VAN JONES SHOW: Well, help us -- help us though, listen --
WINFREY: Don't spend your time on that.
JONES: You preach and I love it, this is what I need but let me push back for a second because, you know, I've got my love army. I go out there. I try to tell people let's not become what we're fighting.
Let's not be what we're fighting. You know, they tell me -- they tell me, shut up, Van, because we got bigots out here, we've got Nazis out here, we're getting bullied.
We are tired of going high. We want to go low and kick them in the private parts. So --
WINFREY: There will be some people who do that but you will not eventually win.