Van Jones: Oprah Would ‘Run over’ Trump ‘Like a Mack Truck’
TRUMP: I'd love Oprah to win. I'd love to beat Oprah.
I know her weakness. No, no, I know her weakness.
ACOSTA: That was President Trump taking aim at Oprah Winfrey last night. Oprah insisted she is not running.
Take a listen to what she told our very own Van Jones.
OPRAH WINFREY, TALK SHOW HOST: We live on a planet where there is darkness and light.
You know, one of the things I am not running for office so I'm not letting you go there, but if I were running for office and I would say to whoever is going to run for office, do not give your energy to the other side.
Do not spend all your time talking about your opponents. Do not give your energy to that which you really don't believe in. Do not spend an ounce of your time on that.
VAN JONES, CNN HOST, THE VAN JONES SHOW: Well, help us -- help us though, listen --
WINFREY: Don't spend your time on that.
JONES: You preach and I love it, this is what I need but let me push back for a second because, you know, I've got my love army. I go out there. I try to tell people let's not become what we're fighting.
Let's not be what we're fighting. You know, they tell me -- they tell me, shut up, Van, because we got bigots out here, we've got Nazis out here, we're getting bullied.
We are tired of going high. We want to go low and kick them in the private parts. So --
WINFREY: There will be some people who do that but you will not eventually win.
ACOSTA: And here with us now is Van Jones.
Van, what did you think? That looked like a great interview.
JONES: Listen, when we first reached out to her, we were thinking if we could get five minutes, 10 minutes with Oprah, she came -- she stayed the whole hour, she took over the show. She brought Ava DuVernay with her. It is an hour of that kind of stuff in terms of -- she's at a different level.
I mean, she is just at a completely different level, the understanding of the country and -- look, she says she's not running, I believe she's not running but, man, Trump better watch himself.
He keeps asking for it. I think she'd run over him like a Mack truck. I mean, she wouldn't -- when she starts talking --
ACOSTA: She's not going to stay silent it sounds like.
JONES: Listen, when she starts talking -- I mean, the entire audience just gets it. I mean, she hypnotizes you, man.
She's -- her understanding of what mistakes Democrats are making I hope Democrats watch this interview, because she just points out we spend so much time defining Trump as what we're against. We never define what we're for and that's not going to work.
I mean, she -- listen, I'm not saying it's because it's my show. She took it over. It's the Oprah show, but she is unbelievable in this interview, for an hour, not three minutes, not eight minutes, an hour, you haven't seen this kind of stuff from Oprah Winfrey since she left the daily show.
ACOSTA: Fantastic. We're all going to be watching, Van. It's a great gig, great interview. You can see the full interview with Van Jones with Oprah Winfrey on our special episode of "THE VAN JONES SHOW." That is tonight at 8:00 p.m. Eastern right here on CNN.
Great job, Van.
And President Trump is touting meeting with Kim Jong-un on Twitter but some are doubting the historic summit will ever take place, that's next.