Bolton: Trump ‘Has a Clearer View of the Threats’ Posed by Iran and N. Korea than the Rest of His Gov’t
BOLTON: “I think the president has a clearer view of the threats posed by Iran and North Korea’s nuclear program. One of Secretary Tillerson’s problems is because he doesn’t have political undersecretaries and assistant secretaries to help number running the bureaucracy, what he reflects is when he hears from the career people at the State Department who were largely responsible for helping negotiate the Iran deal and implement it for the last two years. They think it’s a great deal. If he’s not hearing from other people inside who think it’s a terrible deal like the president, it shouldn’t be much of a surprise’s a disconnect. My first job for George W. Bush was get us out of the anti-miss soil treat why it of 1972. I don’t think any of those who worked for me agreed with what George W. Bush wanted to do. There is a huge difference between having subordinates who actually agree with the president’s principles.”
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