Chris Wallace: The Only Person Responsible for Keeping Russia in the News Is Trump with His Tweets
WALLACE: "Yeah, he can do anything he want. Its a free country. It’s not helpful to his legal case. There’s some evidence here that would seem to add to the possibility or his liability for object stregs of justice. The fact is that he’s now in that one tweet where he says I’m now being investigated by — for obstruction for firing the FBI director by the man that told me to fire the FBI director. We all know because the president told us in an interview with NBC that he didn’t fire James Comey because of the recommendation of the deputy attorney general rod Rosenstein. He said he decided to do that before he even met with the attorney general and with rod Rosenstein. So it just seems curious and smarter for him — he has the right to do it, but it would be smarter for him to stop talking about this particular issue. Not saying he can’t stop talking about health care or taxes or anything else, this is a sensitive issue. Most lawyers would say don’t talk any more than you need to."
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