Tammy Bruce on Sessions Testimony: He Exposed How Russia ‘Scandal’ Is a Fraud
BRUCE: "These are individuals who are desperate to not have to admit to blowing a billion dollars, to failing everyone and being this out of touch with the American people. So they have to find another reason for it. It’s an actual construct made up of nothing. They hope that it will continue on for four more years or perhaps for eight. This is what they do best. The media is helping move it along even though of course it’s false. This is why this conversation, the Internet is important, for us to be able to point out the nature of what is really going on here. Thank goodness for Jeff Sessions. An extraordinary man, he did a great job tonight. And remember, he chose to be there. He chose the time. He insisted on coming, in part to clear his name. One question I have: James Comey also has accused Loretta Lynch effectively of obstruction. She’s been silent. She hasn’t come out and said, 'Wait a minute. I want to go and testify under oath and clear my name.' It was the first thing Jeff Sessions wanted to do. I think Loretta Lynch should come forward. If not, she should be asked to come forward at this point."
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