Yuval Noah Harari: We Should Ban Fake Humans Created by A.I., The Democratic Conversation Is Falling Apart

‘For most of human history, large-scale democracy was impossible because large-scale, real-time conversation was impossible’


HARARI: “The other thing that AI is capable of doing, which no previous technology could, was create intimate relationships with human beings, hold conversations with them. If you think about democracy as a group of people standing in a circle and conversing, talking with each other, now imagine that a group of robots are joining the conversation and speak very eloquently, speak very emotionally, and you can't tell the difference. You don't know who in the circle is a human being and who is a robot. Now, here, when we are together in the flesh around this table, we can still know it, but when you see something on the screen, you can no longer be sure whether this is a real human being or whether this is generated by AI. Of course, we are not helpless in the face of it. AI is not necessarily going to destroy democracy. It can also strengthen democracy. It depends on the decisions we make. Like one obvious decision is to ban fake humans.”


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