FNC’s Earhardt to RFK Jr.: ‘Why Are You Okay with [Testosterone] and Not Certain Vaccines?’

‘I’m not against vaccines’


EARHARDT: "Why are you okay with that and not vaccines, certain vaccines?"
KENNEDY JR.: "Well, I'm not — you know, I’m not against vaccines, I have never been anti-vax. That is something that's been said about me to make me look crazy, like a conspiracy theorist. What I have said is, let’s have testing for each of the vaccines to make sure that they are safe and effective. Vaccines are the only medical product that is not safety-tested prior to licensure, and we need placebo-controlled trials or, you know, you have a placebo group and a vaccine group and then let's look at the health five years later and make sure they're healthy. That is all I want."

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