Flashback - CNN’s Stelter on Hunter Biden: ‘Fox Is a Producer of This Serialized Drama’ Created by Russians

‘It was launched by The New York Post and then promoted by another Murdoch media property, that of course is Fox News’


STELTER: “Let’s get back to the new season’s storyline. Let’s break down how this all happened. Because it was launched, as I showed you, by 'The New York Post,' and then promoted by another Murdoch media property, that of course is Fox News. You worry about Trump’s corruption and Fox says, 'What about Biden?' Every hour of the day. So Fox is a producer of this serialized drama, but there are big questions about who might have created this show. That’s what’s probably most important here. CNN reported on Friday that U.S. authorities are seeing if those e-mails we just talked about are connected to an ongoing Russian disinformation effort. Huh. Now we already know some of the American producers of this drama, because 'The New York Post' says it was tipped off to the existence of the emails by Steve Bannon. Steve Bannon. Then Rudy Giuliani gave the 'Post' a copy of a hard drive containing the e-mails. Now here's where it gets even weirder. The 'Post' claimed that the e-mails were found on a laptop computer that was brought to a repair shop in Delaware in the spring of 2019, and a shop employee saw the emails and then was worried about getting in trouble or getting in danger and he made copies of them. There is a lot about this story that does not add up. And the employee has not helped matters. He has contradicted himself in interviews with reporters. And, I mean, for all we know, these e-mails are made up or maybe some are real and others are fakes. We don’t know. But we do know that this is a classic example of the right-wing media machine.”

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