Sebelius: Unvaccinated Are ‘Like Secondhand Smoke,’ They Can Make Me and My Family Sick

‘The science is very clear what smoking will do to you, what cancer will be caused, what kinds of health conditions’

(Via Breitbart)

SEBELIUS: “It’s a lot like secondhand smoke. You have a right to be a smoker. The science is very clear what smoking will do to you, what cancer will be caused, what kinds of health conditions. You have a right to be a smoker. You don’t have a right to smoke next to my desk, to blow smoke on people, on my children, to force me to live in a housing facility where I am subjected to more smoke. That is a line that we have in this country, which delineates what your individual rights are. I think we’re looking at very much the same situation. OSHA, you’re absolutely right, has always provided guidance and mandates about safety in a workplace. This is not a safe workplace if I’m working with a person that may make me and my family sick. That’s not acceptable.”

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