Trump on ‘Unfair’ Trade Deals: ‘We’re Like the Stupid People’
TRUMP: "That is called fair trade. It's called free trade. Because ultimately what will happen, either we’ll collect same they’re collecting or probably what happens they will end up not charging a tax and we won’t have a tax. That becomes free trade. We have too many examples like that, and the word 'reciprocal,' as Pat said, the word 'reciprocal' is a very important word. We have countries that are taking advantage of us. They’re charging us massive tariffs for us to sell our product into those countries. And when they sell to us, zero, we charge them zero. We’re like the stupid people, and I don’t like to have that anymore. So we’re going to change that and we’re going to make it fair. I call that fair trade. And again, one of two things will happen. What I think will happen, they will just reduce their taxes to the same as our tax."