CNN’s Miller: ‘Maybe We Should Remove the Travel Ban’ with Iran and Send a Message ‘that America’s Door Is Open’

‘It would be to his credit to send an unmistakable message that America’s door is open in the face of what’s happening in Iran’

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MILLER: "I think the balance is won by bipartisanship. Do we have a unified Republican and Democratic response on this? And then second is, what can we do? Maybe we should remove the travel ban with respect to Iran. Maybe we should ensure that those social media companies —"
KEILAR: "Can you imagine the President removing the travel ban associated with Iran?"
MILLER: "It would be to his credit in order to send an unmistakable message that America’s door is open in the face of what’s happening in Iran, or to work on and with social media companies to ensure that social media, Instagram, Twitter and the and the app Telegram remain open. 48 million Iranians now have cell phones. In 2009 only a million did."

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