Chris Wallace: There Is Not Much Doubt Trump Revealed Israel Was the Source of the Intel
‘The fact is that White House never said that the leak was false’
WALLACE: "Well, in the case of this specific testimony by John Brennan, he doesn’t know any more than we do, because this event happened after he was out of office. So all he can talk about is the media and you can take it for what it’s worth. You can either believe, you know, that the report is correct or not. I have to say, based on the reaction from White House officials, and having been in this town for 40 years, it seems to me pretty clear that the President said what has been reported that he said. You can argue as to whether — how damaging it was, whether he should or shouldn’t have said it, but I don’t think there’s much doubt anymore that he did say it."
Video files (2)

05/25/2017: Chris Wallace: In 40 Years in D.C. I’ve Never Seen Anything Like This ‘Steady Drumbeat’ of Leaks
Views: 1
Purchases: 2

05/25/2017: Chris Wallace: ‘I Don’t Think There’s Much Doubt Anymore’ Trump Revealed Israel Was the Source of the Intel
Views: 2
Purchases: 0
Audio files (3)

05/25/2017: Chris Wallace: In 40 Years in D.C. I’ve Never Seen Anything Like This ‘Steady Drumbeat’ of Leaks (clip) (clip)
Views: 1
Purchases: 0

05/25/2017: Chris Wallace: In 40 Years in D.C. I’ve Never Seen Anything Like This ‘Steady Drumbeat’ of Leaks (clip)
Views: 0
Purchases: 1

05/25/2017: Chris Wallace: In 40 Years in D.C. I’ve Never Seen Anything Like This ‘Steady Drumbeat’ of Leaks (clip)
Views: 0
Purchases: 0