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Petkanas: The Person Who Likes Trump’s Rhetoric More than Anybody Else in the World Is Kim Jong Un
Fox News Channel (FNC)

Name: Fox News Channel (FNC)
Outnumbered Overtime

Name: Outnumbered Overtime
Harris Faulkner
, Kevin Jackson
, Zac Petkanas

Name: Harris Faulkner
Employment: FOX News
Position: Anchor

Name: Kevin Jackson
Employment: The Kevin Jackson Network
Position: Founder & Executive Director

Name: Zac Petkanas
Employment: Petkanas Strategies
Position: President & Founder
Event location
New York, N.Y.
Name: New York, N.Y.
Not online media
11/04/2017 09:04 am
MP4 (1278x720)
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>> Harris National security advisor ░░░░░░░░ R Mcmaster speaking out ░░░░░░░░ President Trump s trip ░░░░░░░░ Asia saying the president ░░░░░░░░ not be mincing words ░░░░░░░░ it comes to North ░░░░░░░░ The president will use ░░░░░░░░ language he wants to ░░░░░░░░ obviously I don t ░░░░░░░░ the president really modulates ░░░░░░░░ language It s been ░░░░░░░░ clear I ve been ░░░░░░░░ of the discussions about ░░░░░░░░ inflammatory what s inflammatory ░░░░░░░░ the North Korean regime ░░░░░░░░ what they are doing ░░░░░░░░ threaten the world Harris ░░░░░░░░ that they are getting ░░░░░░░░ to brandish another missile ░░░░░░░░ we speak The president ░░░░░░░░ to Mcmaster will take ░░░░░░░░ usual tone with him ░░░░░░░░ this trip and it ░░░░░░░░ a strong one that ░░░░░░░░ necessary you ve heard ░░░░░░░░ some of the generals ░░░░░░░░ others with regard to ░░░░░░░░ Korea I love it ░░░░░░░░ is the type of ░░░░░░░░ that Trump loves Not ░░░░░░░░ forcing career to go ░░░░░░░░ this list of rogue ░░░░░░░░ before he went on ░░░░░░░░ trip he got criticized ░░░░░░░░ that but I think ░░░░░░░░ s a great thing ░░░░░░░░ saying there is still ░░░░░░░░ olive Branch out here ░░░░░░░░ us to negotiate I ░░░░░░░░ that Donald Trump is ░░░░░░░░ going to go over ░░░░░░░░ with this Obama type ░░░░░░░░ speaker you have to ░░░░░░░░ into what is going ░░░░░░░░ do he s going ░░░░░░░░ be very forceful I ░░░░░░░░ the fact that he ░░░░░░░░ the allies lined up ░░░░░░░░ He is going to ░░░░░░░░ with the second term ░░░░░░░░ of China he will ░░░░░░░░ meet with other leaders ░░░░░░░░ Japan you and I ░░░░░░░░ talked brass tacks at ░░░░░░░░ about the optics for ░░░░░░░░ president this is an ░░░░░░░░ trip presidents have done ░░░░░░░░ before maybe we will ░░░░░░░░ our partisan cap down ░░░░░░░░ to me about this ░░░░░░░░ think you re right ░░░░░░░░ think it s a ░░░░░░░░ important trip overseas We ░░░░░░░░ talking about North Korea ░░░░░░░░ very lives depend on ░░░░░░░░ trip I was concerned ░░░░░░░░ McMaster said Donald Trump ░░░░░░░░ continue to use the ░░░░░░░░ of fire the language ░░░░░░░░ have seen from him ░░░░░░░░ the past and the ░░░░░░░░ I m concerned about ░░░░░░░░ is the person who ░░░░░░░░ that kind of language ░░░░░░░░ than anybody else in ░░░░░░░░ world is Kim Jong ░░░░░░░░ It s the kind ░░░░░░░░ language that bolsters the ░░░░░░░░ They rally around it ░░░░░░░░ Do you think if ░░░░░░░░ didn t say anything ░░░░░░░░ wouldn t hate us ░░░░░░░░ I m saying is ░░░░░░░░ this administration is on ░░░░░░░░ for having the most ░░░░░░░░ tests from North Korea ░░░░░░░░ his first time he ░░░░░░░░ on track for that ░░░░░░░░ I want to remind ░░░░░░░░ that ISIS grew from ░░░░░░░░ JV team to a ░░░░░░░░ varsity nightmare He s ░░░░░░░░ about the language it ░░░░░░░░ Bill Clinton s policy ░░░░░░░░ get the nuclear weapon ░░░░░░░░ begin with and now ░░░░░░░░ are talking about the ░░░░░░░░ of tests they ve ░░░░░░░░ and that is supposedly ░░░░░░░░ to ratchet things up ░░░░░░░░ what point is it ░░░░░░░░ Trump s fault At ░░░░░░░░ point in his term ░░░░░░░░ Obama Administration where everything ░░░░░░░░ blame it on George ░░░░░░░░ Donald Trump is happy ░░░░░░░░ take credit for what ░░░░░░░░ s doing here He ░░░░░░░░ leveraging take credit for ░░░░░░░░ missile test it doesn ░░░░░░░░ matter to me Here ░░░░░░░░ what he s doing ░░░░░░░░ s invoking China into ░░░░░░░░ mix that wasn t ░░░░░░░░ under Obama He s ░░░░░░░░ at our foreign policy ░░░░░░░░ talking about it from ░░░░░░░░ standpoint of trade I ░░░░░░░░ everybody this he would ░░░░░░░░ our economy to go ░░░░░░░░ North Korea.
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