Mulvaney: ‘The Democrats Will Be Blamed’ When ObamaCare Breaks
MULVANEY: "The Democrats will be blamed for it because it’s not trumpcare in this country, it is not ryancare.
TODD: "And you have no responsible that the law of the land, that Paul Ryan said would be the law of the land for the foreseeable future, does your administration have the duty to make it work?
MULVANEY: "We had the duty to try to fix it.
TODD: "Do you have the duty to make it work?
MULVANEY: " We have the duty to help people back home. You cannot fix a broken system. This is a system built on the idea that the government could force you to do something you didn’t want and that that would make you happy. You are never going to fix that. The system must be removed and it must be repealed and replaced and you’re not going to fix a system that doesn’t trust people to do what’s in their best interest."