Marc Lamont Hill on Trump’s Media Criticism: ‘Proto-Fascist Moment in History’
HILL: "Donald Trump's world view is that he's right all the time if someone disproves him, challenges him or underminus anything he's trying to do, there's something wrong with them. They're the wrong kind of person. For me it's not just about an individual person with an axe to grind against the media. It's a very irresponsible, ultimately dangerous moment in history. Almost a proto fascist moment in history where he is laying seed beds in the mind of people that the media is broken. I don't think it's a wild critique to say there are parts of Fox News that are communications of the Republican Party. There's a difference between critiquing a particular journalist or network and saying that media as such doesn't work. NSA what Donald Trump has said. He's saying don't trust the facts, don't trust the media, just trust me. There's nothing scarier than that."
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