Krauthammer: Intel Community Telling Trump He Messed with the Wrong Agency
‘We are sitting on the secrets, we can hit you anytime’
KRAUTHAMMER: "I think there are two separate stories, whenever we have a great debate, the real story is that you are corrupt. No, the real story is that you are corrupt. There is a story here about the Russian involvement and we have to get to the bottom of it. There is a second story, I call it the revenge of the Intel community. However you want to look at this this, from this 30,000-foot level of this is the intel community, one way or the another, telling Donald Trump who went after them during the campaign and after the election, you messed with the wrong agency. We are sitting on the secrets, we can hit you anytime. It was the story of J. Edgar Hoover, he had blackmail on everybody."
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