Reid: Republicans Hate Women, Hispanics, Blacks, Gays, Asians, and Everyone Else
‘They can’t elect a president’
REID: "I think it's pretty clear we have Democrats that are viable and I think the Republicans, unless they change, they change, they can't elect a president. They've done everything to dump on women, they've done everything to dump on Hispanics, African-Americans, Asians, gays and lesbians. Who else have I left off?"
TODD: "Is there a Republican candidate you fear for the Republicans that you think could win?"
REID: "I would hope that Newt Gingrich would run. I'm scared to death of him."
TODD: "You say that with tongue firmly in cheek. But in all seriousness, who do you think would be their strongest candidate?"
REID: "I don't see anyone out there right now."
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