‘Mad Dog’ Mattis: I’m Grateful for the Opportunity to Return to Our Troops
‘I look forward to being the civilian leader so long as the Congress gives me the waiver and the Senate votes to consent’
MATTIS: "Thank you. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you president-elect, for the confidence that you have shown in me. Thank you for the opportunity. I'm grateful for the opportunity to return to our troops, their families, the civilians at the Department of Defense because I know how committed they are and devoted they are to the defense of our country, the defense of our Constitution and with our allies strengthened, with our countries strengthened I look forward to being the civilian leader so long as the Congress gives me the waiver and the Senate votes to consent. Thank you very much."
Video files (2)

08/23/2022: Katie Pavlich: It’s Great How Greg Abbott Has Put Sunlight on Border Crisis By Bussing Illegals to D.C. and New York (clip)
Views: 2
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08/23/2022: Katie Pavlich: It’s Great How Greg Abbott Has Put Sunlight on Border Crisis By Bussing Illegals to D.C. and New York
Views: 23
Purchases: 3

08/23/2022: Katie Pavlich: It’s Great How Greg Abbott Has Put Sunlight on Border Crisis By Bussing Illegals to D.C. and New York (clip)
Views: 2
Purchases: 0

08/23/2022: Katie Pavlich: It’s Great How Greg Abbott Has Put Sunlight on Border Crisis By Bussing Illegals to D.C. and New York
Views: 23
Purchases: 3
Audio files