Tim Walz on Reports of Pentagon Briefing Elon Musk on Potential War with China: ‘Speechless’
WALZ: "Well, speechless would be the word. I don’t know how to convey — I don’t possess the language ability to convey how far out of the norm this is. Like, nothing that people listening — like, look, those of us who served, the background checks from the FBI just just to receive clearance as an artillery enlisted soldier was extensive, to get that background, and then the level of information that you can get, or as a member of Congress to be able to have access to this type of information. These are closely guarded secrets because our national and our global defense depends upon them. And once again, we have this — I don’t know, the character, the world’s richest man with the world’s most fragile ego. And I don’t understand where the Republicans, where are Lindsey Grahams, where are these people who know how this works, to not be terrified of where this is at?”