Peter Navarro: ‘This Is Going To Be the Trump Golden Age of Prosperity Miracle and It’s Much Bigger than Ronald Reagan Ever Dreamed of’
NAVARRO: “And then the last part of it, which is so important to President Trump, so important to this country, is to stop our trading partners from cheating us with higher tariffs, higher non-tariff barriers and draining us of a trillion dollars of wealth every year through a trade deficit. And so, that is an adjustment, will involve bringing back our manufacturing, our factories here. We lost 90,000 — 90,000 factories, NAFTA, WTO, NAFTA shafta, even the USMCA is not working for us now because Biden didn’t enforce it. So this is where we’re going. We’re going to a world just like Reagan went from his inauguration to the middle of his term where it was the Reagan miracle. This is going to be the Trump golden age of prosperity miracle and it’s much bigger than Ronald Reagan ever dreamed of or imagined, and it’s going to be that much better. Salute to Ronald Reagan, but really salute to the commander-in-chief right now.”
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