Fmr. Biden W.H. Official: Biden Never Wanted to Pass the Torch, He Was Plotting His 2nd Term from Day One
LaROSA: "I think — well, it wasn’t that I believed the bridge. It was just that I just assumed. Kind of like Barack Obama probably assumed he was picking Biden knowing — or thinking he wasn’t gonna run again. I kind of thought, you know, in 2021, that that this was gonna be like, 'Okay, we're gonna pass the torch to another generation of Democrats and let them handle a Trump 2.0 campaign. But I was — I was, you know, brought to reality pretty fast. Like — "
PALMERI: "But why not?"
LaROSA: "Why wouldn’t he run?"
PALMERI: "Yeah, why not?"
LaROSA: "It was, 'Why wouldn't he?' And I’m like, well, because it felt like, in 2020, that we barely won the nomination, that Democrats were kind of not yearning for Joe Biden. They were kind of either stuck with him or they were eating their vegetables and saying, 'He’s our best shot, not a socialist from Vermont. He’s our best shot. We're comfortable with him. He’s competent. He’s earned a lot of goodwill.' And ultimately, the problem with deciding to run for reelection again was a misread of our mandate."
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