Tim Walz Struggles to Answer Questions About His Comments on the Country Being Stolen by ‘Fascists and Nazis’
WALZ: "They’re asking me to apologize because of that?"
REPORTER: "Well, you were talking about the — you were talking about the politicians in Washington, Republicans in Washington — "
WALZ: "No, I’m talking about the people who are openly Nazis."
REPORTER: "That audio that we heard, it sounds like you were talking about people in Washington. And Scott Jensen made similar comments on Covid restrictions -- "
WALZ: "Look — look, we have folks marching in the streets. We have a woman in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho pulled out by a militia. I’m talking to a group of supporters and saying, what’s going on our country right now is, we have people who are openly Nazis and fascists, trying to take our country and we need to push back. This has — this has been last 10 days, Washington Post, New York Times talking about these folks in Ohio. So, no, I’m not gonna to apologize. The question I have is, why are they not condemning that? Why are they not condemning these people who are in Ohio doing these things to us? So, no — "
REPORTER: "So you're not talking about Donald Trump and Republicans in Washington?"
WALZ: "No, I’m talking about these people who were there.”
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