Moskowitz: Tate Brothers Are ‘Literally’ What Trump Called Illegals — ‘Rapists, People from Insane Asylum, Human Traffickers’
‘We heard from Trump on the campaign trail, right?’
MOSKOWITZ: "Yeah, new constituents of mine. How fortunate. And actually, I used to work for Ron DeSantis, so I know how he feels about that. He means that, of what he's saying. Yeah, I mean, look, we heard from Trump on the campaign trail, right? Other countries were sending rapists, people from insane asylums, human traffickers. These guys literally are those people. And look, they're U.S. citizens, so they can't be barred here, but what was negotiated was that Romania had a travel ban on them. That's what was removed, which allowed them now to come to Florida."
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