Scott Jennings to CNN Panel: You’re Alleging that Musk Is Writing Himself Grants
JENNINGS: "You just said — you just alleged he has a conflict. It is an allegation."
PHILLIP: "It‘s just pointing out that, generally speaking, in the government, you are not allowed to oversee a business where you profit."
JENNINGS: "I don‘t think he‘s overseeing the FAA. There‘s a — "
PHILLIP: "That's a basic principle of things."
JENNINGS: "He isn‘t overseeing the FAA."
PHILLIP: "And if you want to argue about that, then -- look, when you were serving in the government, didn‘t you have to take ethics trainings and sign ethics agreements — "
JENNINGS: "Of course."
PHILLIP: " — that prevented you from doing that very same — "
JENNINGS: "Are you alleging he‘s overseeing the FAA?"
PHILLIP: "I am — Scott — "
HINOJOSA: "Nobody said that."
PHILLIP: "Okay, we're going to — we‘re going to — we‘re going to move on."