Scheindlin: Judge Ho Won’t ‘Rubber-Stamp’ Dismissal Motion in Mayor Adams Case
‘He‘s going to have a lot of questions for everyone’
SCHEINDLIN: "I think he‘s going to listen pretty hard to both sides, and he‘s going to have a lot of questions for everyone. I don‘t think he‘s simply going to rubber-stamp this. I agree with Jennifer that it‘s going to be a pretty searching inquiry because in her letter Danielle Sassoon, she pointed out that it has to be in the public interest, and if it‘s not in the public interest, it shouldn‘t be dismissed. So he can question them and say, why is this in the public interest? Or why isn‘t it in the public interest to let this go right now?"
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01/09/2024: Sen. Wicker: The Administration Still Does Not Understand that Sec. Austin Story Is Not Going to Go Away
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01/09/2024: Sen. Wicker: The Administration Still Does Not Understand that Sec. Austin Story Is Not Going to Go Away
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