Continetti: If Elon Musk Were Coming Up with Big Plans for Gov’t Spending, There Would Be a Lot Less Uproar
‘It’s the fact that he has the goal of changing the federal government and limiting it at a time when we have record deficits and debts that I think is angering a lot of people who are invested in the current system’
CONTINETTI: “I think President Trump has told Elon Musk, let’s change the government, ‘Let’s slim it down, let’s dramatically reduce the federal work force, and if you need to go fast and break things,’ as they say in Silicon Valley, ‘to do that, that’s fine.’ I will say that if Elon Musk were the health care czar or the energy czar coming up with big plans for government spending or to combat global warming, I’d think there’d be a lot less uproar in Washington, D.C. It’s the fact that he has the goal of changing the federal government and limiting it at a time when we have record deficits and debts that I think is angering a lot of people who are invested in the current system.”
(via RealClearPolitics)
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