Julie Roginsky: Prices of Apples Have ‘Gone up’ Every Week Since Trump Was in Office, Were the Dems Talking About That?
ROGINSKY: "Apples have gone up every single week that he’s been in office. Where are the Democrats talking about that? Where are they talking about a price increase? I mean, fundamental easy lobs. Again, this is not swinging at every pitch from some ace pitcher. This is literally reminding the American people what was promised to them and what is being delivered. And yet there seem to be somehow and some — I don’t know where they are, but wherever they are, they’re not out here talking about it the way you are, the way Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is, the way Senator Wyden is. These are the leaders that the Democratic Party is looking to, and they’re absent. And if you are listening to me, I’m begging you on behalf of the grassroots of this party, please come out of your hiding hole because we need you. And if you’re not going to do it, get out of the way and let others lead, please."