Rep. Waters: I’m Not Playing Politics on Fires, But We Need the Rich to Pay Their Fair Share to Provide Services
WATERS: “Let me tell you something. I’m not in the business of protecting anybody. And I think that my work over the years that I’ve been involved has been absolutely on point in dealing what has to be dealt with in order to help the people! First thing you gotta understand is, services cost money. And we should be willing to get the richest people in this country, the richest 1% that is protected, make sure they pay their fair taxes so that we can have the money to provide those services. With that money and with those resources, the people who have been selected or elected to do the job should do the job. I don’t care who it is. It could be Democrat, it could be Republican, it could be whatever. But the fact of that matter is, we all should have heavy hearts right now.”