Ameshia Cross: ‘The Idea of Passing Things to the States Typically Means that People of Color End Up in a Very Bad Position’
CROSS: "Them to be forceful in the house because Democrats have a slim majority this time around than before. There’s very little they’re going to get passed in the house without democratic vote. We’re also going to see Democrats focused heavily on the states. I think what we’ve seen from President-Elect Trump thus far is this ideology I’m just going to toss it to the states, all of this is going to go to the states. We as black people know that is code from what we’ve seen previously, what we saw during the Jim Crow era, what we saw after reconstruction. The idea of passing things to the states typically means that people of color end up in a very bad position, so we’re going to watch a lot of Democrats pay very close attention to states and state legislative policy. I think in terms of the Trump Administration, there’s very little Democrats can do on executive orders. That’s just is what it is. Donald Trump ran on mass deportation, an anti-immigrant sentiment and quite frankly a lot of the American public voted him because of that. I don’t think it’s going to have the massive awe and shock factor people think it will with the exception of mixed status families.”
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