Matthew Dowd: Biden’s Final Acts in Office Are to ‘Box Donald Trump in’ So He Can’t Do as Much Damage
DOWD: “I mean, I think he’s, what he’s trying to do is trying to corner Donald Trump and sort of box him in so he can do, I think that Biden Administration and the president is trying to prevent Donald Trump from doing as much damage as he possibly can — could do, which he could do a lot becoming president. But I think Joe Biden is trying to box him in on this. And I, I mean, speaking specifically to the commutations, which of course Donald Trump doesn’t understand the difference between a commutation and a pardon. Donald Trump in that tweet said they were pardoned. They weren’t pardoned. They’re still going to serve. They’re going to still be in jail in this. And I think it comes a lot from the president’s Christianity and outlook on the world because I’ll tell you, me personally, as a Christian, I’m opposed to the death penalty.”
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