Sen. Cotton: It’s Not Just that the Press Didn’t Do Their Job, They Were Actively Complicit in the Cover Up of Joe Biden’s Health
COTTON: “Yeah. Hugh, I would say it's worse than that. It's not just that they didn't do their job, they were actively complicit in the cover-up. If you recall, Hugh, back in the summer, 'The Wall Street Journal' tried to run a version of the story it ran a few days ago about how badly Joe Biden had declined and what happened. You had other members of the media manning the ramparts, attacking their fellow reporters, saying that they were outraged that they would even dare raise such questions. That's just carrying water for Democrats like Chuck Schumer, who just a few months before the debate in June said that Joe Biden's mental acuity was great, hadn't lost a step in years. Not a step. So the members of the media who have covered Joe Biden for four years didn't just fail to do their job, they were complicit.”
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