Thiessen: Debt Limit Is the ‘Only Leverage Democrats Have Next Year’
‘The Republicans can do a lot of what they want to do through the budget reconciliation bill’
THIESSEN: "There is no way they were ever going to get a Debt limit increase on this thing because that’s the only leverage the Democrats have next year. They are going to be out of power in the House, the Senate, and the White House. We've got unified control of government. The Republicans can do a lot of what they want to do through the budget reconciliation bill which is only Republican votes. The only thing they have is the debt limit."
Video files (2)

08/23/2022: Katie Pavlich: It’s Great How Greg Abbott Has Put Sunlight on Border Crisis By Bussing Illegals to D.C. and New York (clip)
Views: 2
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08/23/2022: Katie Pavlich: It’s Great How Greg Abbott Has Put Sunlight on Border Crisis By Bussing Illegals to D.C. and New York
Views: 23
Purchases: 3

08/23/2022: Katie Pavlich: It’s Great How Greg Abbott Has Put Sunlight on Border Crisis By Bussing Illegals to D.C. and New York (clip)
Views: 2
Purchases: 0

08/23/2022: Katie Pavlich: It’s Great How Greg Abbott Has Put Sunlight on Border Crisis By Bussing Illegals to D.C. and New York
Views: 23
Purchases: 3
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