Andrew McCabe: Context of Gun Ownership Must Undergo Substantial Changes, Even If Not Relevant to Madison, Wisc. School Shooting
MCCABE: “Well, Brianna, we’re nowhere. We’re nowhere because it keeps happening. We know it’s going to happen again. It’s happening today. It’s going to happen again in the near future. I can guarantee you that. And every time it happens, we do just about nothing. That doesn’t mean there aren’t things we can do. We could do things. We could — we could support and enact legislation that changes the context of gun ownership in this country and emphasizes gun safety and responsibility with the firearms that you own and keeping them out of hands of children, and doing really vigorous, consistent background checks across the country. We could stop selling people, stop — eliminate the ability to purchase guns without a background check. Now, we don’t know if any of those factors were relevant in this shooting, but we’re talking about a big problem here, right? That these are the things that impact the level of gun violence in our country.”
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