Frank Figliuzzi on Madison, Wisc. School Shooting: ‘Guns Continue To Be the Issue’
FIGLIUZZI: “I don’t see significant enough progress. You know, the — you’ll have — you’ll have certain sides saying it’s all mental health and we need to get better at that. You know what? That’s true, but it’s not all mental health. We’ll have people say we need to lock down schools more and have many armed officers all over a school. There have been numerous cases where there have been armed officers and they didn’t get there fast enough. And so, that’s not the issue. Guns continue to be the issue, and particularly access to guns from people who should not have them, including criminal actors and young people who should not have access. So, until we address all of these issues together and acknowledge the role of guns, we’re not going to see significant change.”
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