Boris Johnson: ‘Let’s Face It — We’re Waging a Proxy War!’ Against Russia

‘But we’re not giving our proxies the ability to do the job’


JOHNSON: "Again, back to my earlier question, how in — we are, let’s face it, we're waging a proxy war. We're waging a proxy war, but we’re not giving our proxies the ability to do the job. And for years and years now we've been allowing them to fight with one hand tied behind their backs, and it has been cruel. It has been cruel. And we need now to give them what they need. So, three things we need to do. To get this thing done, we need to give them the weaponry they need, given the permissions they need, give them all the military support, logistical, tactical, that we can without coming into direct conflict with the Russians ourselves. Number two, we need to give them the money, I talked about the $300 billion. But number three, we need to make it — and by the way, we should do more than just the $300 billion. We should construct the kind of lend lease loan for Ukraine."

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Boris Johnson on Ukraine: ‘Let’s Face It, We’re Waging a Proxy War ... but We’re Not Giving Our Proxies the Ability To Do the Job’