Geraldo Rivera: I Feel that Dan Bongino Would Keep Me Safe!
RIVERA: “I have no issue at all with his — with his honesty, his credibility, his character, his patriotism, his love of the Secret Service. I think all those things are positive for Bongino. And, you know, I think that in some ways all of these people in the cabinet, and you could name others as well, Dr. Oz, are great on TV. They are bigger than life. They’re great communicators. I see where the president-elect was going with this cabinet. Can they do the job? You know, the day-to-day, the administrative stuff, running these businesses, and they are giant businesses, even though they’re government agencies, you know, I guess we’ll — we’ll see. Some will, some won’t. But I — with Bongino, you know, I would — let me put it this way, if I was a target and Bongino was on the job, I feel that Bongino would keep me safe. He would do the job, Brianna.”
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