Fox’s Compagno: Democrats Are Fighting Against the Will of the American People
COMPAGNO: “Yes, that’s the answer, is quite simply yes. They are fighting the will of the American people, as we’ve been talking about in every single demographic in every single state where data shows that the overwhelming majority of Americans in this country wanted things to be different. They wanted things to be rooted in common sense and independent values and rights and the freedoms that we hold dear, all the things. So yes, we lack complete specificity of what they’re fighting about or for, but at the end of the day, that’s what it must mean. And I have to say this because I always sort of translate stuff oftentimes to the criminal realm. And when I hear, for example, Pritzker up there, Governor Pritzker, if you come for my people, you got to come through me. Where was that stance to the criminals?”
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