Wilson Cruz on 2024 Election: The Stakes Are ‘Clear,’ We Know ‘Who Is on Our Side’
‘It’s very clear that this community is very focused on what has happened in the last week and the true colors of the Trump campaign and the people who were on that stage that night’
CRUZ: "When you treat people with disrespect we know that they are not on our side and they are not here to work and to benefit our lives. We see a President Kamala Harris speaking to our issues, helping us with childcare, helping us take care of our parents, helping us get a down payment on a house of $25,000. A child tax credit that will help us raise our kids. I think about my niece who’s 18 years old and has less rights over her own body than her mother and her grandmother. I want a president who addresses that and makes it safe for her to make decisions over her own body. We are very clear about what the stakes are and who is on our side and who isn’t."
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